Thursday, August 12, 2010

And Away We Go

Summer is ending. We thought it would be a good idea to get in one last adventure. So, it seemed it was time for another camp out. At one point in time we would simply pick a spot on the map, load up the van, stick a canoe on top and go. Now, not so much. Now we have this to consider:

Notice the pouty lip?

For the most part Sweets is a good sport but, she has her limits. And when you have reached them she will let you know. So, we have to plan things around her schedule. 
The other thing slowing us down is us. I think we're getting old or at least much more domesticated than I had realized. Apparently, we love our home. We were suppose to leave Sunday. We spent the whole day agonizing over when we were going to leave, and when we finally decided it was time to go, it was Monday. 



  1. She is so pretty!!! But, M!!! Tighten those straps!!! Keep the boo safe!!!

  2. Ooops, Thanks D. I'll be more careful next time.
